Linear Algebra


Linear Algebra



Linear algebra is the math of vectors and matrices. Let n be a positive integer and let R denote the set of real numbers, then Rn is the set of all n-tuples of real numbers. A vector ~v 2 Rn is an n-tuple of real numbers. The notation “2S” is read “element of S.” For example, consider a vector that has three components:



Matrix + – * / :

subtraction (the inverse of addition)  matrix product. The product of matrices A 2 Rmn and B 2 Rn` is another matrix C 2 Rm` given by the formula


Matrix-vector product

Matrix-vector product The matrix-vector product is an important special case of the matrixmatrix product. The product of a 3  2 matrix A and the 2  1 column vector ~x results in a 3  1 vector ~y given by


Matrix Invers:

Inverse function f-1 undoes the effect of f so f-1(f(x)) = x.

inverse matrix linear algebra calculation



Matrix Transpose:


read.csv(“med.csv”, header = T)
read.csv(“med.csv”, check.names = F) : don’t mess with titles
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘\t’)
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘;’)
read.csv(“med.csv”, stringsAsFactors=F)
read.csv(“med.csv”, header = TRUE, sep = “,”, quote = “\””)
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘;’, na.strings = c(‘?’, ‘!’))  replace ! ? with NA
read_excel(“med.xlsx or xls”)



linear systems



change of basis


Vector Space


Va fan är det här

va fan är det här?



Linear transformations



linear algebra linear transformation








Determinante 3x3 linear algebra vector space

linear algebra calculating determinant


determinant linear algebra





  • Subspace = Delvektorrum:
    • Hela Rn
    • Alla plan som går igenom origo
    • Alla linjer som går igenom origo
    • Alla noll vektorer
    • Om v tillhör Rn så tillhör (en konstant) x*v också Rn
    • Om a och b tillhör R så tillhör a*b också Rn



RANK1 = Line
RANK2 = Plane
RANK3 = 3D
RANK är number of dimensions in the output.
RANK = # PIVOTS = antal linj obr = dim(c(A))
C(A) = span(v1, v2, v3 … alla oberoende vektorer) 
dim ImA + dim Ker A = dim V
Ker A är det kolomnvektorer som skapas av t,s etc
Im A är de kolomnvektorer som innehåller pivot elementen
Radrum : ATv : v tillhör V
linear algebra ker Lm L: V W

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

read.csv(“med.csv”, header = T)
read.csv(“med.csv”, check.names = F) : don’t mess with titles
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘\t’)
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘;’)
read.csv(“med.csv”, stringsAsFactors=F)
read.csv(“med.csv”, header = TRUE, sep = “,”, quote = “\””)
read.csv(“med.csv”, sep = ‘;’, na.strings = c(‘?’, ‘!’))  replace ! ? with NA
read_excel(“med.xlsx or xls”)
Eigenvectors visualized Extended in gif eigenvectors